Saturday, July 2, 2016

Update on Upcoming Readings

Happy to report that the launch reading at the Whit and the reading with Lewis Warsh in Lee both went great - thanks to all who came!

You have a few more chances to hear me coming up....  Hope to see you at one or more of the following events:

  • Thursday, July 14, 6:30 PM - at Word Up Community Bookstore in Washington Heights, NYC, with JP Howard and Rashidah Ismaili
  • Sunday, July 17, 3:30 PM - at 6th St & Ave. B Community Garden, NYC, with Rosalie Calabrese, Mindy Matijasevic, and Jenny Xie
  • Friday, September 23, 5:30 PM - at the Bookstore, Lenox MA

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Book Launch Readings!

I'm delighted to announce four upcoming readings with my new book, What We're Made Of.

First, my official launch event will be on Saturday, June 11, from 6:00 - 7:30 PM, at the Whitney Center for the Arts, Wendell Avenue, Pittsfield MA. I'll read, and Philip Timpane will moderate some public conversation and Q & A, and there will be free appetizers and a cash bar.

Second, I'll be reading with Lewis Warsh in the Writers Read series at the Lee Library, Main Street, Lee MA, on Tuesday, June 28, from 5:30 - 7:00 PM.

Third, I'm happy to be joining several other fine poets for a New York City reading on Sunday, July 17, from 3:30 - 5:30 PM, in the "Readings in the Garden" series at the 6th St. Garden at Avenue B.

Finally, I'm slated for a fall reading in Lenox MA, at the Bookstore on Housatonic Street. You'll find me there on Friday, September 23, again at 5:30 PM.

Hope to see you at one or more of these events! Books will be available for purchase and signing at all three.

Thursday, May 12, 2016

The Book is Here!

So thrilled to announce that What We're Made Of is actual and available!

Please visit my page at Cherry Grove for information about the book, including links to Amazon and Barnes and Noble for ordering.

If you would like a signed copy, let me know and we'll make those arrangements.

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Have Book (Almost!), Will Travel...

Book publication is nearing!

Here's a link to the "Have Book, Will Travel" website listing my availability for readings. You'll find blurbs, a picture of my cover, and a link to click through to some sample poems....  Enjoy!

I'm excited.... This book has been a long time coming....

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Updated list of online publications

Looks like it's high time I compiled an updated list of my poems available online....  There are new ones to add since I last did this, plus, regrettably, some links listed before that no longer work.

Eight Poems (with recordings)
Two Poems (plus a review): Becoming Double, & Flight of Starlings

How to Become a Raft
In Both Hands
Three Poems: Cracking Time, And These Are My Fears, My Grown-up Mother
Split-Flap Display
Yours Sincerely, Loneliness (This one was nominated for a Pushcart Prize - my thanks to the editors of The Cider Press Review!)
Virginia's Walking Stick
Grief in the Partitive
Four Postcards (see Postcardese issue in archives)
Two Poems: You in this Field, Where I Have Pulled Over my Bike, & The Edge of Everything
Five Poems: Disembody, As Yet Unnamed, As If the End Were in Sight, Considering the Letter & What Remains (Finalist poems in 2014 Raed Leaf International Poetry Contest)

There is also video of me reading four poems (Taking My Leave, Light, West Stockbridge 1941, and Christmas in Puerto Angel), and performing two newer pieces (To the Young Poets Assembled for this Project, and Escaping Quartet) on my YouTube channel here.